Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CAttributeRepresents an attribute and the value it holds
 CEnumStructure that defines the enumeration type
 CEnumTypeStructure that contains an item of the enumeration
 CExampleAll the objects composing an example (or a counter-example)
 CExamplesStructure that contains the examples and counter-examples of the parsed example file
 CIntervalStructure that contains a signed integer interval
 CModelContains the attributes and relations definitions found in the model file
 CModelAttributeContains the definition of an attribute and its type
 CModelTypeStructure that contains the type and the values of the attribute depending on type
 CObjectContains all the attributes and relations that compose an Object
 CObjectIndexStores a list of indexes When combining multiple Object, the identifier of each of them (rank in the Example) can be stored in this structure
 COutAttributeRepresents an attribute used by the solution and the value it holds
 COutEnumContains multiple enumeration items When combining multiple Object, each enumeration item is to be stored, this structure does that
 COutObjectContains all the attributes and relations that compose an OutObject
 CSolutionContains all the possible solutions
 CStringDynamic string handler
 CStringVectorStores an array of C string
 CTreeDefines the n-ary tree