File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 core.hFile containing the core that generates the solutions
 output.hContains the output functions, helpers and functions to create and display human readable strings
 parsers.hContains the example and model file parser
 attribute-types.hContains the attribute's types definition In our model we have five attribute types: interval of integer, enumeration, n-ary tree, relation and no relation
 attribute.hContains the definition of the Attribute
 enum.hContains the definition of the Enum and EnumType
 example.hContainins the definition of the Example
 examples.hContains the definition of the Examples
 interval.hContains the definition of the Interval
 model-attribute.hContains the definition of the ModelAttribute
 model-type.hContains the definition of an ModelType
 model.hContains the definition of the Model parsed in the model file
 object-index.hContains the definition of the ObjectIndex
 object.hContains the definition of the Object
 out-attribute.hContains the definition of the OutAttribute
 out-enum.hContainins the definition of the OutEnum
 out-object.hContains the definition of the OutObject
 solution.hContains the definition of the Solution
 string-type.hContains the definition of the String
 tree.hContains the definition of our n-ary Tree
 vector.hContains the definition of the vectors (dynamic & generic arrays)