types Directory Reference


file  attribute-types.h [code]
 Contains the attribute's types definition In our model we have five attribute types: interval of integer, enumeration, n-ary tree, relation and no relation.
file  attribute.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the Attribute.
file  enum.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the Enum and EnumType.
file  example.h [code]
 Containins the definition of the Example.
file  examples.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the Examples.
file  interval.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the Interval.
file  model-attribute.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the ModelAttribute.
file  model-type.h [code]
 Contains the definition of an ModelType.
file  model.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the Model parsed in the model file.
file  object-index.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the ObjectIndex.
file  object.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the Object.
file  out-attribute.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the OutAttribute.
file  out-enum.h [code]
 Containins the definition of the OutEnum.
file  out-object.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the OutObject.
file  solution.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the Solution.
file  string-type.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the String.
file  tree.h [code]
 Contains the definition of our n-ary Tree.
file  vector.h [code]
 Contains the definition of the vectors (dynamic & generic arrays)